A Sentiment of Destruction

The light that floods into Pellavahuone (the Linen Room) does not only enter from the two windows in this event space at Venetsia-talo (the Venice House). There is another strong light that comes from the photographs by Oona Oikkonen. Emanating from the walls and the display tables, one can see a particular arrangement of orange, […]

Forms Of Life

For this 8 th edition of ARTICULATE, the annual research festival at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts and the Royal Conservatoire Antwerp, our research groups put forward the topic of the ecosystem. This serves as the starting point for a diverse programme of exhibitions, research classes, performances and lectures. Ecosystems are intricate networks, critical […]

The meaning of the collection of the bank ING Belgium

The Baron Lambert collection dates from the mid-twentieth century and stands as one of the most prominent private collections in Belgium. It originally belonged to Banque Lambert which, following a merger with Banque de Bruxelles in 1975, gave birth to Banque Bruxelles Lambert (BBL). In 1998, the latter was subsequently taken over by ING Belgium. […]

Analysis of a performance of Bruce Nauman’s (1941- ) exhibition in Venice

L’été passé, j’ai eu le plaisir de retourner à Venise, après y avoir vécu et travaillé trois ans. J’étais guide des expositions à la Fondation Pinault. Lors de ce court séjour, j’ai visité l’exposition Bruce Nauman : Contrapposto Studies. La réalisation du travail sur une pratique spectaculaire spécifique et live, m’est apparue comme un appel, […]

What survives fire

What survives fire?the peace that lives in the forestthe water that runsand tints the river redthe sound of a heartbeatpounding on a leafWhat survives fire?the sound of your eyes when they meltand the touch of your voicethe desire that lives in methe desire that refuses to leaveit is fire that I feelwhen I see the […]

The castle

Colors come and gothey fadeand slip awaythrough my fingerslike that time ofhorses and battlesof chariots and windsthe castle is therethe castle was therebrazen in the heatof his consuming despairit rains and he fallsshaken, awakenedby the heart that is no longer thereit slipped through his fingersand ran away. DMW


I thought I could leave youand leave me behindVoicesfeeding hungry wordsand howling like shadows.Murmura name that was not heardfor a long timedusk in the makingof a future wind.Starsfollow the dustinto the caves of my selfwhere I thought I could leave youand leave mebehind. DMW

Anne Bonnet (1908-1960) – The search for a soul

Le 16 mai 1908, à Bruxelles, un couple de bijoutiers formé par Joseph Thonet et Fanny Leclercq, originaires de la région liégeoise, donnaient naissance à leur fille unique : Anne Thonet.1 Alors qu’elle a été élevée dans un cadre plutôt raffiné et minutieux, son père s’est formellement opposé à son souhait d’apprendre à dessiner, ne […]

“Eliezer and Rebecca at the Fountain”, stylistic and iconographic study of a painting for theattribution to a Flemish painter of the 16th century

Le tableau étudié dans ce travail se nomme Eliezer et Rebecca à la fontaine (fig. 1). Il est conservé au Musée des Beaux-Arts de Tournai. L’œuvre a été étudiée d’un point de vue matériel par Eugénie Ollier, étudiante de Master 2 en Conservation, restauration des œuvres d’art à l’École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Visuels de […]